Register with Us

Join a network of esteemed New Zealand rural contractors and gain access to a pool of dedicated, skilled professionals.

Are you a Contractor?

Our platform offers easy job posting, streamlined application management, and instant notifications on candidate applications. Agri Recruitment connects experienced workers from the UK with rural contractors in New Zealand.

Manage Applications Online

Receive Notifications for New Applications

Get International Coverage

Got Questions?

Sign Up with Agri Recruitment

Front Facing Contact Information

This contact information will be displayed on your profile page. This information is optional. If provided, it will be listed publicly on your profile and applicants may contact you about job listings.
What phone number should applicants contact about job listings?
What email should applicants contact about job listings? We will create your account with this email
You may wish to list a business facebook page if you do not have a website
Max. file size: 100 MB.
This is displayed on your Contractor profile page.
If provided, this will be shown publicly
Operating Regions(Required)

Dedicated Resources and Support

Benefit from our resources and support aimed at helping you manage your applications from international employees.

Specialised for Rural Contracting

At Ag Recruit, we focus solely on the rural contracting industry to provide tailored recruitment solutions.

User Friendly Operational Interface

Navigate our platform with ease. From creating job listings to managing your profile, our interface is designed for efficiency and simplicity.

Got Questions About Becoming a Member?

Ag Recruit connects experienced workers from the UK with rural contractors in New Zealand. Our platform is dedicated to the rural contracting industry. If you have questions about our memberships reach out to us.