Contractors Directory

Agri Recruitment works with local and national contractors to support and connect overseas candidates.
You can use the search function to explore our local Contractors.


You can use the filters and search function here to select from our database of contractors and view their porfile. View contractors job listsing or contact them directly for any openings.

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Searching the Contractors Directory

Finding the perfect Contractor for you.

Explore our network of esteemed New Zealand rural contractors and gain access to a pool of dedicated, skilled professionals ready to contribute to your business. View current job postings from our registered contractors and get access to company contact details to reach out directly.

What can you search for?

By typing a term into the search box, you can explore companies within our database that are registered to list jobs with Agri Recruitment.

Exploring our Network

Find employers who are registered to list jobs with us. Contact them directly or view their current listings.